Thursday 11 February 2010

Tile Map

This is a nifty little Tile Map. I have been using these since Train Simulator and it is a very handy way of keeping track of tiles, ownership and completion. Very important for managing long routes especially when multiple people are working at once.

At the moment, as Adam is faffing about with track there is not much in the route but by the end of the day all tiles should be green.

On the second page of the Time Map the numbers match up to the actual long tile numbers shown in the World Editor. On a normal working day I would expect to complete between 3 or so tiles of full scenery so today is going to be a real challenge; but there will be a couple of people working on it at any given time.

Tiles are approx 1km squares in RailWorks so this gives a sense of scale.



  1. Now this strikes me as a utility worth sharing in some form or other.

  2. Well, its not a utility really, just manual labour. It is going through the world and noting down tiles in excel. A bit of a slog but only needs to be done once.
